Wednesday, January 30, 2013

snowy day snow day

Snow accumulations less than one inch, said iPhone weather.
It started snowing at 5:30 last night. Flurries quickly turned into big, heavy flakes. Just a dusting
covered roofs and the ground when I tucked E into bed. She and I were silently hoping for a snow day.
I sat in the dark with hubby, drinking tea. We watched less than one inch fall to the ground.
At midnight I watched snow falling in the light of the street lamp. Less than four inches accumulated.
When I was a kid and it snowed at night, I did not want to sleep.
I feared it would cease if I was not awake to see it. Even last night, I needed one last look before I closed
my eyes. I needed to make sure it was falling as beautifully as it was minutes ago.
What other reason is there for snow. Does rain serve the same purpose? Snow is quiet and beautiful;
snow gives us an opportunity to pause.

I woke up to the sound of the shovel scraping the sidewalk, but I opened my eyes to the view in
the picture below. It is only perfectly smooth and untouched for a moment.
Thank you for the snowy snow day. I needed this graceful gift today.

1 comment :

  1. What a cool picture you took! You are right, as there's nothing like virgin snow on the ground in the quiet of the early morning. I'm glad you and your family are experiencing it! I have to admit that I will miss the snow in Missouri, having experienced it all of my life. I'll get over though..Haha! The boys bedroom is looking so almost done!
