Monday, January 14, 2013

weekend antiquing

- nevermind the winterized, crusty old windows. we call it charm. -

I had a lightbulb moment two days ago. Our weekends are usually stressful and I finally figured it out.
Do not leave the task of grocery shopping for the weekend. I didn't realize how much it was affecting my mood, and eating away at our family time and opportunities for fun stuff, like house projects. Ha!

I will say, though, that I look forward to my weekly visit to Trader Joe's just like I did in our old city.
You are welcomed by a wall filled with lovely, fresh flowers. The store is small just like our favorite big city markets, and I always have a favorite staff person who knows the day I shop and remembers the conversation we had the previous week. I know many of you have the same feelings about your local TJ's.
Had our new city been without a Trader Joe's, it would have been a deal-breaker.

What I really wanted to tell you about is the time I spent at an antique fair this weekend. Not enough time, but only two other people would spend an entire day with me at an antique fair. Mom and Kylie.
The kids stayed with a sitter and hubby and I joined friends for weekend antiquing and lunch downtown.

My finds this weekend had a theme, which is not usually the case.
Kylie and I have this thing with arranging displays of our treasures. We both love littles. I've been told that littles should be referred to as "smalls," but whatever.
Littles are so fun to display on the window sills of the old house.

I always learn something new, meet someone interesting and learn something about myself when I go antiquing.

The best resource for finding quality antique fairs is visiting with the folks at your local antique shops.
You can also check here, here, or here to see if there is an event listed in your area.

1 comment :

  1. You have a Trader Joe's? Ok, then your city isn't that small. ;)
