Tuesday, January 29, 2013

morning coffee, evening tea

I cried all the way home from drop-off today. My first-grader and preschooler are at school,
and I am relieved we had another on-time morning. It's cold again and foggy. I keep thinking the cold days are a fluke and tomorrow will be a normal, 70-degree winter day.
Fluke or not, we will not feel that warmth for a few more months. For now, I am keeping warm by the fire, drinking my Le Buzz coffee. Thank you Guinn for sending us some favorites from home.

* * * * *

It is late in the evening now. My computer gave me issues all day, so I am just now finishing this post.
In the photo below, I am standing at the site of our future, luxurious coffee station.
This part of the kitchen used to be the laundry area. I know what you are thinking, "how European!" It's not; it's just one of those quirky things about the old house. I visualize well, so I can see what it will look like
a few months from now (it's good to have goals). But, let's talk more about this tomorrow.
Snow is falling, my tea is ready, and I want to spend some time with my hubby.

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