Monday, April 29, 2013

weekend: swimming

I can only check one official item off my weekend agenda.
Maybe I should not have published that list last Friday. We spent a lot of time outside enjoying the
delightful spring weather. No blue wall, no touch-up paint, no new hinges installed. The days got away from us, but that's okay. I caught up on my reading while sitting in the sun on the front porch. Hubby and I tried a new restaurant on Saturday evening, and Sunday was spent at E's swim meet.

E is a first-grader and she swam her first 200 meter race on Sunday. She was nervous (so were we).
The whole team cheered her on and the crowd gave her a standing ovation. You know, sometimes a face says it all. Hers did; E was all smiles. She did it and she finished it.
We found out later she confided in an older teammate that she cried during the last 50. She doesn't know we know, and it makes me even more proud of her.

It was not on my agenda, but I learned something from my daughter this weekend.
Thanks, E. You are one amazing kid.

* * * * *


  1. I am so proud of her as well, and she is an amazing little girl!

  2. Auntie and I are so incredibly proud
