Thursday, April 4, 2013


E was home sick today. She rarely is sick, so when she is, it's usually bad.
I spent the day disinfecting and airing out the old house. The outside air was warm enough for wide open windows and short sleeves. Koko kept pulling on his short sleeves saying uh-oh.
I guess he doesn't remember life with bare arms. I do.

I have a friend who is moving away from the new city. I saw her a few weeks ago and we chatted.
They moved here a couple years ago, and I think they were just feeling settled. She shared this quote with me. I can't tell you how many times I have recited it to myself.

* * * * *
in the details:
thanks for the frame idea, Guinn


  1. I love that quote! Now I want to change mine. Ha!

  2. Funny story about K's sleeves. It was funny this past fall when big H had a similar experience and kept pulling on her LONG sleeves! ha :)
