Monday, March 25, 2013

weekend: saturday

Our weekend was not restful or productive.
At least, it was not productive in a way that we planned. We had planned to relax a little and start another project. After being in AZ for a week and then hubby leaving for a week upon our return,
we all needed a normal weekend. Unfortunately, that was not going to happen for us.

It was Friday and my four-year-old, who was supposed to be in his room, decided to do a secret flotation experiment- in the toilet. Later that afternoon, after he used the bathroom, S told me that the toilet would not flush properly. Seemed like it was clogged. No big deal, but gross, so I decided I would let hubby deal
with it when he got home that night.

A while later I noticed two book pages and two little people in the trash can next to the toilet. Oh no.
I called S into the bathroom and asked him to explain. He explained his experiment to me. Yes, he put the book pages and little people in the toilet. Yes, they all float. Yes, he retrieved them with his bare hands.
Yes, he washed his hands and sang the entire ABC's. No, he will never do it again.
Phew, all foreign objects retrieved and it's just a clog.

After a long week of traveling for work, hubby came home and plunged the toilet. No success.
I called S into the bathroom again. Me in my calm Mom voice:  Did you put anything else in the toilet? I can tell when S is lying; he said no. Me in my angry Mom voice:  Did you put anything else in the toilet? 
Yes, he also dropped in one of his sister's old princess figurines. No, Ariel did not float. Yes, he flushed her.

As you could, but should not imagine, our Saturday was no fun.
We learned how to uninstall and reinstall a toilet. I am nervous about giving details. The details are gross.
It was disgusting and smelly. Hubby almost barfed. We snaked the thing several times, but Ariel was stuck in the bend of the toilet base. Finally, hubby had to lay the toilet in the bathtub to get a better angle. He angrily tried one more time and out she came. We emptied the bathroom and cleaned everything with bleach, twice.

Here's the fun news though, this situation prompted us to buy a new sink.
The current sink is new and nice, but does not match what's happening in that bathroom. Fortunately, the current sink will be perfect in the main floor bathroom. It will replace an old, awkwardly short sink that we cannot seem to stop from leaking. I can't wait to show you before and after pictures in a few weeks!

Funny how a flotation experiment can put bathroom makeovers at the top of the project list. This is what happens when you live in the old house. This is what happens when you have young children.

- this is the clean, soaked and scrubbed in bleach, Ariel - 

* * * * *


  1. Will Ariel be included in the family time capsule, will she simply be returned to join her princess peers as part of E's collection, will she stand alone in a prominent location as a reminder for S, or perhaps none of the above!!

  2. LOVE THIS story. Almost cried laughing when RJ told me :)
