Thursday, February 28, 2013

plants: part three

I could keep going with plant posts, but this will be the last one (for a while).
Today I am showing you some of my friends' plants. My dear friend Kylie, who I mentioned in this previous post, got me started with plants. I met Kylie many years ago- our friendship is one that I think every person deserves to have. She has the cutest, old house with many features I dream of having someday.

- See the open shower behind those three plants?! -

I remember being at Kylie's house and deciding I need plants, too.
I had a lot of tropical varieties in the Northwest; they do well there with all that humidity. The photo below is a plant I left with Kylie when we moved away to AZ. That was almost 10 years ago.

- he's on the list of best air-filtering plants! - read about the Croton here -

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My dear friend, Guinn, sent me the photo below. Darling. I love that pot!
Guinn lives in an old house in AZ, right where we hoped to live eventually. They have an amazing kitchen. You know, the kitchen you always want to be in, drinking your morning coffee and sipping your evening wine. Her house is welcoming and I miss spending time there.

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 This photo is called plant with cat. The cat is Ken.
Ken lives with my dear friend Kerry and her sweet family in AZ. They too, live in a neighborhood we love. Their old house is more mid-century, I believe. Kerry has great style. I have been inspired by her many times in home and in fashion.

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i love and miss you gals

in the details:
Do you have a pic of your lovely plants?
Comment on this post and perhaps I will post it.


  1. I had a fern named Frank bit my mom and your sister killed it :-(
    Now I have roses but they're outside.

  2. I am happy to hear you name your plants, too. Send me a pic of your roses!
