Tuesday, October 22, 2013

orchards part 2

 Our family is almost as crazy for apples as we are (I am) for pumpkins. We eat apples every day,
so when we get the chance in the fall to eat them right off the tree, we go pickin! Our first round of apples
was all honeycrisp, and they didn't last long at the old house.

On another trip, we went with friends to an out of town orchard.
We got the full experience- we ate our warm, cinnamon-sugar bathed apple donuts on the hayride out to the fields. We wore our hoodies and breathed in the crisp, cool air. We picked (and sampled) our apples,
and upon our return, realized we probably had too many. I would never admit it though. We had just enough to eat (for a few weeks) and to make a heaping apple pie.

I can almost smell the apples just by looking at the photos-

- we picked these after we picked raspberries - honeycrisp is our favorite variety -
- the first fall orchard trip was E's class field trip -
- rows and rows of trees filled with apples - aren't they beautiful! -
- these kids were tired when it was time to go - such a fun day -
- this is E, enjoying the hayride -
- best 19.99 i ever spent - old timey apple peeler! -
- dutch apple - and homemade pie crust -
- streuseled and ready for the oven -
- done, and i am happy to report that every piece was enjoyed -

* * * * *

A note about this pie- I'm not sure if I'm allowed to give out my sister's husband's family recipe, but I will say
it is easy. I think the secret to good pie anyway, is the crust. People get intimidated by pie crust,
but it is so simple. Butter, flour, salt, cold water. I use a food processor, too. Done.

in the details:
check out these two must-haves for apple pie and pie crust:
pastry cloth - i do not wash mine, after use i seal it in a ziplock and store it in the fridge
apple peeler & corer - i purchased mine at a local kitchen store for 19.99

1 comment :

  1. That pie looks AWESOME!!! And yes, the peeler, slicer, corer is a amazing purchase. Glad y'all got one!
    RJ just bought some apples the other day to make a pie... I can't wait :)
