Friday, April 26, 2013

plant friday: in the kitchen

Don't you think kitchen windows are the best place for plants?
We spend so much time in our kitchens. Cooking, eating, cleaning, entertaining and spending time with our family and dear friends. The kitchen is full of life and I think our plants respond to that.

 * * * * *

Also lovely in kitchen windows, are fresh-cut flowers. I use vases, jars (old and new) and anything else
I can find. Here are a few ideas from the old house.

- tulips in one vintage jar, the other jar held green olives -

- on the dining room built-ins, talavera pottery -

- old jars i have picked-up antiquing over the years -

* * * * *

on the weekend agenda:
paint at least one wall blue in the master bedroom
organize the basement work room
touch up paint in both bathrooms and install new cabinet hinges in upstairs bath
enjoy the spring weather outside with the children

1 comment :

  1. I love this entry, especially your use of the Talavera pitcher and Jadite bowl! Love tulips!
